RunJ4 scripts - description

(a script collection for launch a Java aplication)
Author: Paul Ponec
Created: 2003/11/27
Updated: 2006/02/04

I have a created scripts for running a Java application on different operating systems (just Windows and Linux) called RunJ4 for free usage under the GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1 .
Please read GNU/LGPL for the full details. A copy of the LGPL may be found at .

My vision is to create a user friendly launch scripts for a Java application on various operating systems. I assume the end user will be a current person who has no knowledges about a Java application. Good idea can be to use these scripts to start a common Java installer too.

I have supported only two operating systems in this time: MS Windows and Linux or UNIX:

You can download a bundle with new release of the RunJ4 scripts and license on home page.


Copyright (c) 2003-2006 PPone(c) (
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 .
Please read GNU/FDL for the full details. A copy of the FDL
may be found at .



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